
Issued by SwissSign RSA TLS DV ICA 2021 - 1

About this certificate

This digital certificate with serial number 45:e3:40:c0:7b:1d:01:e7:d1:91:65:1a:98:e8:40:b3:94:1e:2f:d1 was issued on by SwissSign AG.

With 2 subject alternative names this certificate can be used to secure multiple fqdn's. This certificate has already expired and will cause a warning or error message in the browser it's still listed on this site to allow you to look back on previously issued certificates. If we have found any compliance issues with this certificate they will be shown below. I hope this certificate review is providing you the detailed information in a simple form you where looking for.

We have idenified some issues with this certificate:
  • Subscriber Certificate: commonName is deprecated. (BRs:

Certificate Subject


SwissSign AG

Organization: SwissSign AG
Country: CH

This certificate has expire since

Certificate Details

Serial Number (hex): 45:e3:40:c0:7b:1d:01:e7:d1:91:65:1a:98:e8:40:b3:94:1e:2f:d1
Serial Number (int): 398988273031071118840601350074726169530119106513
Serial Number lenght: 159 bits, 20 octets

SubjectKeyId: 40:03:97:c5:d5:74:7b:c0:68:3a:86:f1:a1:41:75:48:24:0f:bc:26
AuthorityKeyId: 3c:9e:52:79:03:63:6f:4f:9c:81:1b:d3:28:70:0c:24:5a:ea:a5:87

Fingerprint (sha1): d4:3f:e9:c6:25:e5:9c:26:cd:f5:d9:53:c9:b2:35:2e:05:dc:eb:ac
Fingerprint (sha256): fd:b4:a1:4e:8f:d6:a5:10:2c:c5:72:7b:5f:f1:ca:fb:34:d3:4a:ea:41:16:1e:28:2f:3f:a3:55:0c:b7:55:bd

Issuing Certificate URL: http://swisssign.net/cgi-bin/authority/download/3C9E527903636F4F9C811BD328700C245AEAA587

Revocation information

OCSP Server: http://ocsp.swisssign.net/3C9E527903636F4F9C811BD328700C245AEAA587
CRL Distribution Point: http://crl.swisssign.net/3C9E527903636F4F9C811BD328700C245AEAA587
CRL Distribution Point: ldap://directory.swisssign.net/CN=3C9E527903636F4F9C811BD328700C245AEAA587%2CO=SwissSign%2CC=CH?certificateRevocationList?base?objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint

Check the revocation status for certificate qm.ebs.swiss


DNS Names


Email Addresses


IP Addresses

Advanced Certificate Properties

Tehnical certificate details for qm.ebs.swiss

Public Key Algorithm


Key Size


Signature Algorithm

SHA256 with RSA

Key Usage

Digital Signature
Key Encipherment

Extended Key Usages

Server Authentication
Client Authentication


9 extensions
No unhandled critical extensions

CA Certificate

This is not a CA certificate

Subject Alternative Names


Other certificates including the domain name ebs.swiss

(limited to 100 certificates)